Jake Ginnivan's blog

C# Command Line Argument Parser

I know this has been done to death but nothing I found did the job for me so I started with the one that fitted my needs the most then edited from there.

Original source: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/command_line.aspx

I have a few specific requirements:

  • It must support lists, or the same argument specified multiple times. If an argument has comma’s in it then it will be treated as a list and split on the comma.
  • It must support paths with a trailing \ ie. –arg:“c:\Users\ginnivanj\My Path\”
  • Has support for flags.

Class Diagram

Example Usage

There are two ways you can start using this class, I have created a SplitCommandLine function which ignores escaped quotes, this is needed for path support, the trailing \ on the path causes the quote to be taken literally.

Using SplitCommandLine:

var commandLine = Environment.CommandLine;
var splitCommandLine = Arguments.SplitCommandLine(commandLine);

var arguments = new Arguments(splitCommandLine);

Letting windows do it:

static int Main(string[] args)
    _args = new Arguments(args);

Example Arguments

Argument: –flag
Usage: args.IsTrue(“flag”);
Result: true

Argument: –arg:MyValue
Usage: args.Single(“arg”);
Result: MyValue

Argument: –arg “My Value”
Usage: args.Single(“arg”);
Result: ‘My Value’

Argument: /arg=Value /arg=Value2
Usage: args[“arg”]
Result: new string[] {“Value”, “Value2”}

Argument: /arg=“Value,Value2”
Usage: args[“arg”]
Result: new string[] {“Value”, “Value2”}

As you can see it is very flexible, it support [–/]arg[:=]value and with the list support it makes it really useful and adaptable.

I have tried to cover as many of the different options with unit tests to make sure it is robust.

Arguments Class

/// <summary>
/// Arguments class
/// </summary>
public class Arguments
    /// <summary>
    /// Splits the command line. When main(string[] args) is used escaped quotes (ie a path "c:\folder\")
    /// Will consume all the following command line arguments as the one argument. 
    /// This function ignores escaped quotes making handling paths much easier.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandLine">The command line.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string[] SplitCommandLine(string commandLine)
        var translatedArguments = new StringBuilder(commandLine);
        var escaped = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < translatedArguments.Length; i++)
            if (translatedArguments[i] == '"')
                escaped = !escaped;
            if (translatedArguments[i] == ' ' && !escaped)
                translatedArguments[i] = '\n';

        var toReturn = translatedArguments.ToString().Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        for (var i = 0; i < toReturn.Length; i++)
            toReturn[i] = RemoveMatchingQuotes(toReturn[i]);
        return toReturn;

    public static string RemoveMatchingQuotes(string stringToTrim)
        var firstQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.IndexOf('"');
        var lastQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.LastIndexOf('"');
        while (firstQuoteIndex != lastQuoteIndex)
            stringToTrim = stringToTrim.Remove(firstQuoteIndex, 1);
            stringToTrim = stringToTrim.Remove(lastQuoteIndex - 1, 1); //-1 because we've shifted the indicies left by one
            firstQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.IndexOf('"');
            lastQuoteIndex = stringToTrim.LastIndexOf('"');

        return stringToTrim;

    private readonly Dictionary<string, Collection<string>> _parameters;
    private string _waitingParameter;

    public Arguments(IEnumerable<string> arguments)
        _parameters = new Dictionary<string, Collection<string>>();

        string[] parts;

        //Splits on beginning of arguments ( - and -- and / )
        //And on assignment operators ( = and : )
        var argumentSplitter = new Regex(@"^-{1,2}|^/|=|:",
            RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        foreach (var argument in arguments)
            parts = argumentSplitter.Split(argument, 3);
            switch (parts.Length)
                case 1:
                case 2:

                    //Because of the split index 0 will be a empty string
                    _waitingParameter = parts[1];
                case 3:

                    //Because of the split index 0 will be a empty string
                    string valuesWithoutQuotes = RemoveMatchingQuotes(parts[2]);

                    AddListValues(parts[1], valuesWithoutQuotes.Split(','));


    private void AddListValues(string argument, IEnumerable<string> values)
        foreach (var listValue in values)
            Add(argument, listValue);

    private void AddWaitingArgumentAsFlag()
        if (_waitingParameter == null) return;

        AddSingle(_waitingParameter, "true");
        _waitingParameter = null;

    private void AddValueToWaitingArgument(string value)
        if (_waitingParameter == null) return;

        value = RemoveMatchingQuotes(value);

        Add(_waitingParameter, value);
        _waitingParameter = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the count.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The count.</value>
    public int Count
            return _parameters.Count;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the specified argument.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="argument">The argument.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
    public void Add(string argument, string value)
        if (!_parameters.ContainsKey(argument))
            _parameters.Add(argument, new Collection<string>());


    public void AddSingle(string argument, string value)
        if (!_parameters.ContainsKey(argument))
            _parameters.Add(argument, new Collection<string>());
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Argument {0} has already been defined", argument));


    public void Remove(string argument)
        if (_parameters.ContainsKey(argument))

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether the specified argument is true.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="argument">The argument.</param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <c>true</c> if the specified argument is true; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
    /// </returns>
    public bool IsTrue(string argument)

        var arg = this[argument];

        return arg != null && arg[0].Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    private void AssertSingle(string argument)
        if (this[argument] != null && this[argument].Count > 1)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} has been specified more than once, expecting single value", argument));

    public string Single(string argument)

        //only return value if its NOT true, there is only a single item for that argument
        //and the argument is defined
        if (this[argument] != null && !IsTrue(argument))
            return this[argument][0];

        return null;

    public bool Exists(string argument)
        return (this[argument] != null && this[argument].Count > 0);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the <see cref="System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection&lt;T&gt;"/> with the specified parameter.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value></value>
    public Collection<string> this[string parameter]
            return _parameters.ContainsKey(parameter) ? _parameters[parameter] : null;

Unit Tests

Tests use xUnit as the unit testing framework

public class ArgumentsTests
    public void ArgumentBooleanTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);

    public void IsTrueDoesntExist()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new string[]{};
        var target = new Arguments(args);

    public void ArgumentDoubleDashesTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target.Single("testArg"));

    public void ArgumentSingleTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(1, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target.Single("test"));

    public void ArgumentWithSpaceSeparatorTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-test Value");

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(1, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target.Single("test"));

    public void ArgumentWithSpaceSeparatorAndSpaceInValueTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-test \"Value With Space\"");

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(1, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value With Space", target.Single("test"));

    public void AddWaitingAsFlagTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-flag -test \"Value With Space\"");

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target.Count);
        Assert.Equal(1, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value With Space", target.Single("test"));

    public void AddSingleTwiceTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-flag");

        var target = new Arguments(args);

        Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => target.AddSingle("flag", "true"));

    public void FlagsTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-flag1 -flag2");

        var target = new Arguments(args);


    public void RemoveTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-flag1 -flag2");

        var target = new Arguments(args);


    public void SingleReturnsNullIfNotDefinedTest()

        var target = new Arguments(new string[]{});


    public void ExistsTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = Arguments.SplitCommandLine("-flag1");

        var target = new Arguments(args);


    public void ArgumentListTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target["test"][0]);
        Assert.Equal("Value2", target["test"][1]);

    public void ArgumentPathTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target["test"][0]);
        Assert.Equal(@"C:\Folder\", target["test"][1]);

    public void ArgumentQuotedPathTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target["test"][0]);
        Assert.Equal("C:\\Folder\\", target["test"][1]);

    public void ArgumentQuotedPathWithSpaceTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
                                           "-test:\"C:\\Folder Name\\\""
        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal("Value", target["test"][0]);
        Assert.Equal("C:\\Folder Name\\", target["test"][1]);

    public void ArgumentQuotedPathWithSpaceAndFollowingArgTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]
                                           "-test:\"C:\\Folder Name\\\"",

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(2, target["test"].Count);
        Assert.Equal(@"C:\Folder2\", target.Single("testPath"));

        Assert.Equal("Value", target["test"][0]);
        Assert.Equal("C:\\Folder Name\\", target["test"][1]);

    public void ArgumentListRequestSingleThrowsExceptionTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        //Should throw Argument exception because test is defined more than once
        Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => target.Single("test"));

    public void ArgumentCommaListTest()
        IEnumerable<string> args = new[]

        var target = new Arguments(args);
        Assert.Equal(3, target["testList"].Count);

        Assert.Equal("Value", target["testList"][0]);
        Assert.Equal("Value2", target["testList"][1]);
        Assert.Equal("Value3", target["testList"][2]);

    public void BlogExample()
        const string commandLine = "-u -d -mdb=\"c:\\entries.mdb\" -xml=\"j:\\\"";

        var target = new Arguments(Arguments.SplitCommandLine(commandLine));

        Assert.Equal("c:\\entries.mdb", target.Single("mdb"));
        Assert.Equal("j:\\", target.Single("xml"));
