Jake Ginnivan's blog

Phone Test Project Template

Last week I put together a project template for a windows phone 7 test project. At the moment there isn’t a really good story for unit testing on the phone. If you have the mango tools you have to grab the Mango Silverlight Unit Test assemblies from Jeff Wincox’s blog.

The Project Template available at http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/6819514d-4bd6-4f31-a231-48c6530ed03b is really basic, and you then have to add a reference via NuGet of either the Silverlight Unit Testing Framework (doesn’t work with Mango), or WindowsPhoneEssentials.Testing.

The advantage of the WindowsPhoneEssentials.Testing project is it contains the Mango compatible versions, sets everything up and has a collection of really useful testing related helpers/abstractions for WP7. Check out http://windowsphonefoundations.net/windowsphoneessentials or the source at http://wp7essentials.codeplex.com/ for more information.

But what you get after you install it is:

New Phone Test Project

Then you add the NuGet reference to WindowsPhoneEssentials.Testing

Add NuGet reference to WindowsPhoneEssentials.Testing

