Jake Ginnivan's blog

Open Source Work

I love open source, and contribute a lot of my free time to working on open source. You can find me on Codeplex, GitHub and BitBucket

If you want to get started with Open Source, I am happy to help, just email me or hit me up on twitter.


I got into open source to try and learn more, I felt I did not know enough and work does not give you the luxury of re-writing things and getting good feedback in the open. It was pretty scary to get started. But once involved I was hooked!

I encourage you to give contributing to open source a try, we have a long way to go in the .NET space for open source and I hope that my contributions are making .NET open source a better place to be.

My open source related blog posts are here.


My Projects


I am a member of TestStack, a GitHub organisation which brings together a number of cool testing related projects. The other TestStack members are Mehdi Khalili, Michael Whelan, Rob Moore and Krzysztof Koźmic


I was very active with Code52 and have continued to maintain a number of Code52 projects:

Projects I contribute/have contributed to

There are a few other small projects. small contributions to other projects and projects I no longer maintain. I hope this inspires you to get involved, much of this is done out of need. I need to solve a problem I have, if there is not a library already which I can just enhance then I can create my own.